Algomia is your B2B forge for
Decision AI as a Service.
My job is to manage an operational department, whose success is measured by resource-oriented KPI. I know that AI-driven decision support would be of great help. But I don't have the budget for a large upfront investment.
I run a SaaS company. Our solution has a scheduling module, which is essential for our users. But it is all manual. An automatization would be great, but I don't have the developers with the needed skills in my company.
Within our transformation program, we need simulations, how our changes will impact the operations of the company. I am not looking for shiny slides, but realistic variants, based on sound data to be analyzed with KPI dashboards.
faster time to solution
automated decision support
business use-cases covered
Do you have an ongoing painpoint with planning your resources efficiently, accurately, and at employee satisfaction? Scheduling is timeconsuming, expensive and subject to errors? Then an optimizer based on Decision AI is the right solution for you. It is a software that produces automatic, algorithmic decision support for your planners at the rules that apply to your company. We are experts in the field.
Alexander Souza is the founder and CEO of Algomia. He has many years of professional experience in the optimization and software industry. He holds a doctorate degree from the ETH Zurich and holds a lectureship on algorithms at the University of Zurich.
Let's Talk!crew depots
train legs
Our customer - a top-tier national passenger rail company - wants to organize all its 20'000+ daily train legs into as few as possible shifts for its 50+ crew depots. Of course, shift consistencies, labor rules, crew qualifications, etc. must be fulfilled.
Creating a planning solution manually means a multi-month effort of a dedicated team.
compute time
optimality gap
“The Algomia optimizer is seamlessly integrated with the existing planning software. The runtime and quality of results open up new opportunities on how we can approach our daily business.”
Jonas J.
We created a Decision AI model with 1.3+ billion variables (yes, billions, not millions). All of the required constraints are captured.
Our AI algorithms solve the model within only 43h of compute time with provable optimality guarantee of 1.9%. All that happens not with specialized AI chips, but with community hardware.
Our Decision AI algorithm reduces the overall FTE count by an undisclosed, but significant amount, translating to a substancial savings potential.
Say goodbye to tedious and time-consuming manual shift planning. With one magical click, you quickly receive an optimized schedule.
The integration of Shiftadviser into your company is minimally invasive, without deleting or affecting existing system structures.
Do you use Excel for your duty scheduling? No problem! Shiftadviser can be integrated using an Excel template. This way, you don't have to reinvent the wheel and can improve existing processes without replacing them.
With just one click, you can create a logic-based, robust and accurate schedule that takes all relevant factors into account.
“With Shiftadviser, I was able to reduce the planning time for the 50 employees in gaming from approx. 25 hours to approx. 8 hours. The optimizer automatically takes qualifications, rest periods and employee requests into account.”
Jan K.
Head of Landbased Casino, Grand Casino Baden
“The ward managers think that the duty roster is much better than before: better distributed and few gaps.”
Monique K.
Head of Staff Planning, Feldheim Reiden
“Shiftadviser's customizations for us have led to some improvements and we are increasingly satisfied with the tool's planning.”
Frank E.
Head of Table Games, Swiss Casinos Zurich
Resource scheduling is one of the central operational and planning challenges for many industries, e.g., logistics, transportation, health-care, entertainment, and others. We have designed and implemented a algorithmic framework, based on edge-constrained network flow, and put it into practice. It is especially well suited whenever tasks, e.g., shifts, have to be allocated to resources, e.g., staff, as to minimize some (linear) cost function, subject to respecting a mix of local and global constraints. Specific applications are Crew Diagramming and Shift Scheduling problems. Our algorithms yield very favorable running times and consistently produce high-quality solutions in practice.
We contribute to the academic community, by conference participation and by teaching algorithmic topics on a regular basis at the University of Zurich. Our prior work has led to publications in the computer science, mathematics, and health care domain. We believe that life-long learning is the basis for successful innovation.
courses taught
theses supported
internships provided
This lecture covers central and classical results in the area of combinatorial optimization. In particular, the design and analysis of "combinatorial" as well as "approximation" algorithms are treated. "Combinatorial algorithms" are exact and (mostly) polynomial-time methods, often based on dynamic programming, graphs, and linear programs. "Approximation algorithms" produce (potentially sub-optimal) feasible solutions for (usually NP-hard) computational problems. The quality of these solutions is determined by comparison against an optimal solution. The analysis will be an important and integral part. That is, we will not only state the properties of an algorithm, e.g. its correctness or running time, but also prove them mathematically. In particular, we treat the following topics: Introduction; Greedy Algorithms: Minimum Spanning Trees, Set Cover; Network Flows: Maximum Flow, Minimum Cost Flow, Assignment; Matchings: Blossom Algorithm; Linear Programming: Polyhedra, Simplex; Knapsack: Exact Algorithm, FPTAS; Bin Packing: Hardness, Heuristics, APTAS; Set Cover: Greedy, Primal-Dual, LP-Rounding; Makespan Scheduling: Identical Machines, Unrelated Machines; Satisfiability; LP-Rounding, Randimization, Derandomization.
This lecture covers the design and analysis of "randomized" as well as "online" algorithms. A "randomized algorithm" is allowed to use randomness in its decision-making. In contrast, an "online algorithm" must make decisions "on the fly" before all of the information is available, and thus must be able to decide "under uncertainty." The analysis will also be an important and integral part. That is, we will not only state the properties of an algorithm, e.g. its correctness or running time, but also prove them mathematically. In particular, we to treat the following topics: Introduction; Linearity of Expectation; Bounds on Probabilities; Markov Chains; Randomized Rounding.
+41 62 544 79 60
UID: CHE-461.339.375
VAT: CHE-461.339.375 MWST